Contact Us

Location Map

  First Floor, Building 257
  Street 1, Hammana - Qalaa Road.
  Qalaa - Mount Lebanon.
 +961 3 236 423

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Job Seekers:

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web and media - Fadi M. Abul Husen QR Code Contact Details +9613236423

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Working Hours

Lebanon (GMT+2)
09:00 - 17:00 (Monday - Friday)
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Open on religious holidays
Closed on national holidays

Your Feedback

Your feedback is very important to us, feel free to contact us regardign any subject matter.

All inquiries are welcome, and will be answered within a maximum time of 18 hours even if we are closed and on holiday as well.

We strive to serve you at our best.

Peace of Mind!

Our passion for greenery, in addition to favoring peace and tranquility over metropolitan noise and pollution; we pulled to our location, but we are still a phone call away from you.

You will not regret visiting our offices and enjoying the atmosphere while discussing business.

GEO Location

Google Plus Code:
RPMH+7M Qalaa
 +33.833145 , +35.729371
 N33°49'59.3" E35°43'45.7"
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